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bidirectional link中文是什么意思

用"bidirectional link"造句"bidirectional link"怎么读"bidirectional link" in a sentence


  • 双向链路


  • Using xlink , you can create bidirectional links
    使用xlink ,可以创建双向链接。
  • This article proposes in order to quickly hidden processing is carried on to multi concavo - convex polyhedron , the hierarchical structure is applied to carried on description on topo relations of three dimensional physique ; the bidirectional link table is applied to carried on the dynamic node assignment , for enhancing the efficiency of the algorithm ; when multi three - dimensional body is being hidden processing , the screen projection polygon should be carried on the overlaped eliminating confirmation and the polygon edges be carried on the computation of the intersectant points , the depth inspection , the comprehensive test and so on
用"bidirectional link"造句  
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